DPO as a service

We can serve as your outsourced or extended legal team if your company needs guidance for data regulation compliance. Privacy law requires a company to designate a Data Protection Officer (“DPO”)  based upon certain conditions. For example if you are a public authority processing personal data; when your company is monitoring data subjects on a regular and systematic basis and on a large scale; or when your company’s core activity is to process special categories of data or criminal records on data subject. The job of a DPO is to advise, both by request and on its own initiative, on the legitimacy and compliance of processing personal data. Considering the independence and neutral nature of such DPO, it could be beneficial to have an external party advising on privacy challenges. We offer such services from 4 hours a month (remote), up to a number of days per week (on premise). Let us know if you want to check whether you need a DPO and if so, what the conditions could be for you to obtain such services.

Note that even if you do not require a formal DPO according to privacy law, it may be helpful to have a privacy specialist on speed dial when you are uncertain how to approach a privacy situation, or just someone who will listen in to your data related meetings to guide when necessary.  In such case, the DPO services would also be a solution.

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