Areas of our expertise


To the point, transparent and concise agreements that balance your risks and your revenues.


We help you to protect your IP and avoid the legal pitfalls of your digital transformation.

Our experts

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Our experts


Data & Digital

Services and solutions that help you in your process of digital transformation.

High Tech

Tailor-made services and solutions for companies in the high tech industry, such as semicon, robotics, solar, medical, metrology and analytics.


Legal outsourcing

Your own outsourced or extended legal team, flexible and without the disadvantages of permanent or temporary employment.

Deal support

Legal support for your deal-teams, so that your deals have the right structure and your revenues outweigh your risks.

DPO as a service

Meet your privacy obligations by hiring us as your data protection officer.

Start-up assistant

Get a head start with our standard contracts that are made to fit your business and our subscription based access to our brains and toolboxes.

Interim services

Temporary legal support in case your own legal team is unavailable or lacks capacity.

Legal training

Create legal awareness within your organisation through our practical training courses.

‘Vacature’: tech-savvy advocaat of bedrijfsjurist

Magnus & Weiss – de internationale hightech advocaten Taco en Audrey – zijn op zoek naar een derde teamlid. We zoeken een advocaat of bedrijfsjurist die affiniteit heeft met hightech, thuis is in de regio Eindhoven/Brainport, ondernemend is en zo’n tien jaar werkervaring heeft. Ook een (bescheiden) eigen netwerk is fijn. Als jij als zelfstandige werkt of de ambitie hebt om voor jezelf te beginnen, maar dat niet (meer) alleen wilt doen, is deze plek misschien wel iets voor jou.

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