Data protection & compliance

In our digital era, processing data becomes challenging due to the complex compliance landscape of privacy. In addition, as the importance of industrial data grows, so is the number of laws and regulations governing the collection and use of industrial data. We are able to determine your position and corresponding legal obligations when it comes to abiding by the law. But, before you can abide, we need you to understand the ‘why’ and create awareness on different layers of your company. From this starting point, we can then explain what needs to be in place on documentation, how to draft such documentation and evenly important; how to manage such documentation.

To give you a head start on your privacy landscape, here are some of the main documents that every company should have in place.

  • Data Protection Policy
  • Processing Register
  • Processing Agreement
  • Privacy statements on your website, in your employee handbook or in your application or product
  • Data Breach Register
  • Protocols on how to handle a data breach, level of security and requests from consumers or employees on the use of data on them.
  • (International) Data Transfer Agreement
  • Guidelines on when to apply an impact assessment and/ or appointing a data protection officer.

Are you interested in hearing how we could help you with your compliance documentation or do you have a concrete question on the right and wrongs of the use of data within your application or product, never hesitate to reach out to brainstorm together.

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